PhD Programme in Experimental Research Through Design, Art…

Empresa: Freie Universität Bozen
Tipo de emprego: Tempo integral

A public competition for the allocation of PhD positions in Experimental Research Through Design, Art and Technologies is announced, for: 7 positions covered by scholarship and 2 positions not covered by scholarship. This PhD Research Programme is offered in English and lasts three years during which the PhD students will actively attend the teaching and scientific activities. The PhD programme comprises lectures and research activities. A compulsory research period abroad is part of the training. Duration: 3 years Scientific areas: The PhD programme aims to train a new generation of researchers capable of embracing the opportunities offered by the convergence of design, art, social sciences, humanities and technology, integrating complex knowledge to address multiple global challenges from a post-disciplinary perspective. The programme provides a space for speculative, critical and pragmatic reflection on problems, potential solutions and new conceptual perspectives inspired by design culture and artistic production. It integrates complex design, scientific and social knowledge and requires the establishment of collaborative relationships with human, non-human and more than human actors through intercultural methods, learning from others, embracing cultural relativism and experimenting with new research tools and practices. The PhD addresses multiple global challenges by inviting PhD candidates to investigate environmental, social, political and cultural issues through inter/transdisciplinary research and the development of alternative, experimental, critical and exploratory models to generate new knowledge, promote eco-social transformation, social and environmental justice, sustainability, diversity, question the potentials and limitations of technological developments and implementations through the intercultural approach of design and art. Design and art practices can respond to the rapid advances in artificial intelligence, intelligent manufacturing, data-driven technologies, and human-computer interaction through a shared reflection on social models and cultural practices in the light of ethical, inclusive, culturally sensitive and sustainable principles. Official teaching language: English Further information about the PhD programme can be found here. The application should be submitted here by 11. Juli 2024, 12:00 midday (GTM +2.00) PhD Programme Coordinator: Prof. Antonella de Angeli Contact person: Karin Felderer Sparkassenstr. 21 I-39100 Bozen Tel. -05

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